A series of roadshows is running across Yorkshire in October, giving an overview of ‘what we do’ at the Regional Development Team (RDT), and we’ll be asking you to feedback and help us to shape plans for the future.
If you are an active paddler, club member, or club helper we would love to see you there. This is a great opportunity for you to socialise with some of the volunteers who help organise canoeing across Yorkshire, both at a club and regional level. Phil Scowcroft (Paddlesport Development Officer) will also be available to help out with any of your questions. The second part of the meeting will be chaired by the Local Coaching Organiser (LCO) who will give a coaching update followed by questions.
It would be great to see at least one representative from each club attending their local roadshow.
Please can you email the contact below to book yourself in to your local meeting.This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
West Yorkshire Roadshow – Tuesday 16th October (6.45 for 7pm start)
Barnbow Social Club, Old Manston Lane, Leeds, LS15 8AD
LCO Dick Constable – lco.westyorks@yorcie.org.uk